Ana Ávalos Reyes

Spanish (Spain) localizer with 10+ years of translation and coordination experience, both in-house and freelance.

Spanish (Spain) translator. I did my Master's Degree on audiovisual translation and have since worked mostly in video games, first as in-house and now as freelancer. Other than languages and video games, I also love theatre and deeply enjoy pretending to be someone else onstage. And I basically dedicate the rest of my life to my mini zoo of animals (3 cats, 3 dogs, the occasional lizard, rat or pigeon and a small local shelter).

Class: Spanish XP: 12+ years Skills: master of consistency, multitasker, CAT tools lover E-mail:
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Let’s cooperate

Interested in getting your game localized or have any questions? Feel free to drop us an email and we’ll get back to you right away.